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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Public Meeting Schedule

As the Mississippi State Board of Dental Examiners is a legislatively mandated regulatory agency, its meetings are open to the public. However, due to the confidential and/or sensitive nature of certain aspects of the Board's business, the Board may vote to go into "Executive Session."

All requests for items to be added to the agenda of any Board meeting must be presented to the Board's Executive Director at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

All meetings are held at the Board's offices located at 715 S. Pear Orchard Road (Plaza I), Suite 200, Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157.  Please call the office prior to any meeting to verify the correct date and time.  The MSBDE office phone number is (601) 944-9622.


January 17, 2025  @ 8:30am   (Click HERE FOR AGENDA)

March 20, 2025 @ Noon (CLICK HERE FOR AGENDA) Meeting will be via ZOOM.

April 25, 2025  @ 8:30am Public attendance will be in-person only.

July 25, 2025  @ 8:30am

October 24, 2025  @ 8:30am






Mississippi State Board of Dental Examiners

715 S. Pear Orchard Road, Suite 200 (Plaza I)

Ridgeland, MS  39157

601-944-9622 Telephone

601-944-9624 Fax